Build your perfect layout in minutes without worrying about code

Let the AI build your website prototype

With design AI Build
Simplify your Website Build

Examples of how Website Fuel can be used for any type of website project

Add fuel to your design process without sacrificing your creativity. Website Fuel will create your layouts and auto add in imagery so that you can eliminate/reduce meetings with your client.

Drag and drop their content to personalize and change your kickoff meeting from round table hello's to getting comments on the layout and then proceeding directly to design.

Our case studies have found that typically a 15 minute kickoff meeting is needed to get approval on layouts, and then usually there are no (or minimal) changes to the designs.

Then breeze through development by exporting your templates* and skinning them.

It's now possible to go from kick-off to launch in under an hour of effort.**

* Not all CMS's or page builders support export/import - but even if your selected CMS is not compatible, Website Fuel still streamlines the process and eliminates any guesswork

** Assumes outsourced design or no designer is involved in the process

Grab screenshots of your existing websites header/footer and any other global rows. 

Simply add in the screenshots and use Website Fuel to generate your new layouts. 

Marketing managers are using Website Fuel to create prototypes that they can quickly present to their team.

With Website Fuel you can build your new small website in under a day. 

Simply create your layouts, add in your content to make sure it fits, customize the design and then finish the build on your server.

Benefits of Website Fuel

Website Fuel lets you streamline your website build, but still have a custom website.

  • Build your layouts on autopilot with AI logic
  • Browse, click, and choose your template parts
  • Switch between viewing graphics or wireframes
  • Customize the design and layout
  • Export your code to streamline your build

Collaborate with your team

Share with your team and let them comment on the build. A style guide is built for the design team


Visualize your site with your content

Personalize the build - the AI will add in your content and images


Not Another CMS

Build your website to 80% completion in 20% the time, then install on your desired platform


Forget the code

The AI will build your layout and you can easily customize the results

Three Easy Steps to Get Started

Website Fuel lets you streamline your website build, but still have a custom website.

Scan your site (or create a new site)

The AI will learn about your website. Help fill in the intake form and let the AI build your new layouts. 

Customize the results

The AI will drop in your images; Drag and drop your content, customize the layouts and adjust as needed. 

Design and launch

Whip up a quick design, export your build and install it on your website. Launch your site quicker and without any pain.

Sample Sites From Website Fuel

Website Fuel lets you streamline your website build, but still have a custom website.

Build Faster with Website Fuel

Watch how Website Fuel can help with your next website project

Applications for our Beta Program is now open!

If you have a website you are looking to build in 20% of the time, fill in the form below. We will personally onboard you on using Website Fuel and help you build your next website. 

Agencies, Freelancers
& Marketers

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Please enter the list of websites you would like to build with Website Fuel

Business Owners
& Customers

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Please enter the list of websites you would like to build with Website Fuel

Beta Program
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